Errata – Logic Games, 5th Edition

Cover for 5th Edition

5th Edition

Page Location Description Erroneous Text Correction
36 Drill 5 Both diagrams are incorrect. L _ or _ L L _ O or O _ L
78 Diagram at bottom Incorrect exclusions. M and P exclusions under slots 3 and 5. M and P should be in slots 3 and 5, not excluded from them.
148 Initial question This question isn’t based on the same Relative Ordering Tree as the prior questions. NA. Treat this as if we don’t know the associated diagram.
188 Middle diagram Incorrect elements in anti-chunk. K and P . The anti-chunk should be for R and R.
238 Diagram Missing connection in cloud The T in the cloud should be connected to show it must go after V.
250 Diagram/final rule There is a typo in the final rule. L → M – O O → M – O
297 Diagram Two slots are incorrect. N at the top; P clockwise from it. N and P should be switched.
353 Explanation for Question 1 Incorrect elimination The entire description for (B). (B) is eliminated by Rule 2.
378 Diagram Extra arrows are drawn in. Arrows crossing from In to Out, connecting M and L. The arrows connecting M and L between the columns should be removed. The arrows connecting M and L in the same column are correct as written.
379 Diagram Incorrect representation of placeholders U above H; L above M These should be written as options: U/h under In; L/M under Out.
418 Diagram Circle around M M shouldn’t have a circle around it. Disregard the circle around M.
475 Top paragraph and diagram MT cloud should be M/T option under LP Thus, the students must be assigned to either M or T: Thus, L and P must be assigned to either M or T
476 Diagram The empty group should be represented with a /. (Empty slot above M) There should be a / in that slot to represent no student can visit the third city.
512 Diagram for #4 J is incorrectly circled. J with a circle Remove the circle from J (it is not a stray element).
558 Top diagram The final slots from the 80s should be filled in. P is missing from the 80s group. Fill P into the final available In slot for the 80s. Because we love the 80s.
559 First paragraph Incorrect number stated …or that two songs from the 60s and two songs from the 70s are in. …or that two songs from the 60s and one song from the 70s is in.
561 Second paragraph Typo/missing word We know that is our heavy hitter… We know that Q is our heavy hitter…
594 Question 14 An additional inference must be made. / in the top row above N H should be in that slot. N eats a delicious hot dog.
594 Question 15 Answer choices were cut of in production. 20% of (D); no (E). 100% of (D) and (E). (There’s no relevant information cut off, such as a cross-out or hypothetical.)
611 Final paragraph Incorrect explanation Everything after the first sentence (starting with, “R in photo 2…”). R in photo 2 brings S along, which leaves P for either that last slot in 2 or to go into 3 (we’re focusing on P because it’s restricted). If P is in the second photo, though, V and X end up together in photo 3, which violates a rule. Therefore, PTX must make up photo 3, with V in photo 2. We have our answer!
612 Diagram of rules Missing a rule V X chunk without a relative rule attached. There should be a relative ordering connection showing that P cannot go after the V X chunk (though it could go at the same time as it).
615 Setup for #3. An additional rule should be added. Add the following at the end of the setup: “Either an opening band or a special guest must appear at each concert.”