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Atticus Finch
Atticus Finch
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Q6 - Jablonski, who owns a car dealership

by dan Fri Dec 31, 1999 8:00 pm

6. (B)
Question Type: Application

The passage is an example of a good deed actually working out well for the person doing the good deed. Answer (B) expresses this.

(A) misses the point, and also uses language that is too extreme: the "only" way?
(C) is certainly not supported by the passage.
(D) is very tempting, but can we say that it is "usually" in one’s "best" interest to perform good deeds? This language goes a bit too far. Compare it with the correct answer (B): good deeds "sometimes" have positive consequences.
(E) is too extreme: "must" have community support?

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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
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Re: Q6 - Jablonski, who owns a car dealership

by 709252721 Sun Mar 27, 2016 5:24 am

I still don't understand why C is wrong and B is right.
I chose C because it says "she wanted to do something to encourage better driving in young drivers" Doesn't this indicate that young drivers are the most likely to benefit from the program?
I eliminated B. Though people did purchase cars from J, it is done to support her action and it's hard to conclude that buying cars from a car dealer is a positive consequence because it seems too subjective for me.
Please help!!
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Atticus Finch
Atticus Finch
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Re: Q6 - Jablonski, who owns a car dealership

by maryadkins Fri Apr 08, 2016 12:27 pm

This is kind of a bizarre question if you ask me.

I think what's it's asking you to do is pick a statement that the given situation is meant to illustrate. And by that, it means the WHOLE passage. So what's in the passage, if we boil it own?

This person gives cars to schools because she is worried about car accidents and wants to do something about it, and some people in her community are supporting her buy buying cars from her. So we have this lady doing something in order to have a positive impact, and we have people doing something nice for HER in turn.

Both of these statements combined seem best described as illustrations of (B): you do something altruistic, and it can bring you good karma!

(C) may be true, but again, the question is what proposition the entire passage illustrates. Answer (C) leaves out everything about Jablonski herself, and about the people who are buying cars from her now. Those points compose most of the passage, so they need to be factored in.