Articles published in August 2018

Using Smart Numbers for GRE Quant


Manhattan Prep GRE Blog - Using Smart Numbers for GRE Quant by Chelsey Cooley

Here’s a quick cheat sheet on how, when, and why to use Smart Numbers to solve GRE Quant problems. Read more

What Your Favorite Class in High School Says about You as a GRE Student


Manhattan Prep GRE Blog - What Your Favorite Class in High School Says about You as a GRE Student by Cat Powell

The good and bad news about taking the GRE is that it’s not a skill that’s taught directly in school, though it does draw on skills that are. This is bad news, because it means that most of us have to do some work to adapt to the test. It’s also good news, because it means that anyone can master this skill, no matter how long they’ve been out of school. Read more

GRE Reading Comprehension without the Reading


Manhattan Prep GRE Blog - GRE Reading Comprehension without the Reading by Tom Anderson

Who Needs the GRE Reading Comprehension Passage Anyway?

Let me be clear, if you want to maximize your GRE Reading Comprehension score, you should read each passage, thoroughly and entirely, before trying any of the questions about it. Strategies like skimming the passage or reading the questions first tend to result in sub-par performances. In the name of honing your Verbal skills, though, I’m going to suggest you do something seemingly ludicrous: practice answering some GRE Reading Comprehension questions without reading the passages. Read more

Can You Ace GRE Quant if You’re Bad at Math? (Part 3)


Manhattan Prep GRE Blog - Can You Ace GRE Quant if You're Bad at Math? (Part 3) by Chelsey Cooley

If you have a complicated relationship with math, you need to be especially careful about how you study. Some GRE Quant study techniques might seem to make perfect sense, but can actually leave you frustrated and demoralized in the long run. For painless studying, try these next few ideas instead. Read more