Friday Roundup: Prepping for Class, Catching some Z’s, and Learning About the Law


The October LSAT is just over two weeks away! Keep up your motivation with a few of this week’s top stories about life as a law student.

How Much Time Should You Spend Preparing for Class as a 1L? (The Girl’s Guide To Law School)

Doing the readings and prepping for class is only one piece of the puzzle. Here is some great advice for planning your daily schedule and handling your 1L workload.

Sleep and Grad School: How Important Is It For Students? (Psychology Today)

According to Psychology Today, sleep is the single most important health behavior we can engage in. Find out just how many hours you need per night and why your weekend sleep patterns may be hurting your cognitive performance.

The Short on Long-Term Planning Want to Read About Law? (jdMission)

If you see law school in your future and are eager to start learning more about the law, now is a great time to start reading. JdMission has a few suggestions to keep in mind before you head to the bookstore.

How to Learn the Law Without Losing Your Mind (The National Law Journal)

As rewarding and intellectually stimulating as law school can be, it can certainly raise students’ stress and anxiety levels. Some schools are responding with programs designed to help students maintain their emotional and psychological well-being.

The First Impression of Your One L Year (Law School & Bar Exam Success Tips)

Harvard Law School grad has some tips for staying grounded and making the first few months of law school more manageable.