How to Analyze a GRE Reading Comprehension Infer Question


GRE reading compIn recent articles, we’ve talked about how to read RC passages and we’ve also discussed how to analyze an RC practice problem when we’re studying. (If you haven’t already read those articles, you may want to do so before you continue with this article.)

Today, we’re going to do another question from the Language Power passage that we reviewed in a previous article, and we’re going to analyze that question using the how to analyze a problem process. If you haven’t already read this passage (or if it has been a while since you read it), go take a look at the Language Power article first (linked in the first sentence of this paragraph). Give yourself roughly 3 minutes to read through the passage and take notes, then read the rest of that article.

Okay, finally, you can get started on this article! Below is the full text of the passage followed by the question (© ManhattanPrep).

Sarah Meyers McGinty, in her new book Power Talk: Using Language to Build Authority and Influence, argues that while the simple lingual act of declaring power does not help a powerless person gain influence, well-considered linguistic techniques and maneuvers do. McGinty does not dispute the importance of factors such as expertise and ability in determining stature, but argues persuasively that these power determinants amount to little in a person unable to communicate effectively. Many surveys have shown that the ability to communicate effectively is the characteristic judged by managers to be most critical in determining promotability in the workplace or an academic environment.

McGinty divides speech into two categories: “language from the center” and “language from the edge”. In McGinty’s words, “Language from the center makes a speaker sound like a leader. McGinty suggests that language from the center is not only for those in high positions of power, but also for those of lower ranks who wish to gain more power and credibility. A speaker using language from the center exhibits the following characteristics: he directs rather than responds; he makes statements rather than asks questions; he contradicts, argues, and disagrees; he uses his experience persuasively; and he maintains an air of impersonality in the workplace. McGinty suggests that the use of language from the center can alter or create a new balance of power. These assertions are supported by studies that show that people accept leadership from those they perceive to be experts.

Language from the edge stands in stark contrast to language from the center. Language from the edge is careful, exploratory, and inquiring. It is inclusive, deferential, and collaborative. A speaker using language from the edge responds rather than directs; asks questions; strives to make others feel heard and protected; and avoids argument. The main purpose of language from the center is to claim authority for a speaker, while language from the edge strives to build consensus and trust. McGinty argues that true power comes from a deep understanding of when to use which style and the ability to use both as necessary.

What distinguishes McGinty’s discussion of effective communication is her focus on communication skills as a way of gaining power; this contrasts with most workplace communication theory, which focuses on communication skills as a way of preventing misunderstandings, avoiding conflict, and fostering interpersonal relationships. McGinty, however, holds that language not only helps maintain relationships but also lends authority. According to Power Talk, effective communication skill is an understanding of how situation shapes speech and how speech shapes situation and an understanding of how speech styles and the forces that affect those styles . . . can build your authority, and enhance your credibility and impact.

And here’s the problem; give yourself about 1 minute to answer it.

The third paragraph suggests that McGinty would be most likely to agree with which of the following?

(A) Language from the center is more effective than language from the edge.

(B) Managers who use language from the edge are not authoritative.

(C) Powerful people are both authoritative and inclusive.

(D) A person using both language from the center and language from the edge will develop true power.

(E) People who use language from the center have difficulty building consensus.

The first thing everybody does is check the answer “ but, interestingly, the analysis doesn’t depend much on whether we get it right or wrong. We all want to know, though, so go ahead and check: the correct answer is C.

Now we’re going to analyze our work. I’ve reproduced the questions from the How To Analyze article below, but in a shorter form. I’ve followed the questions with italicized notes. These italics represent what I would think to myself when analyzing this problem.

Note: I’m going to pretend that I chose answer choice B (so I got it wrong!). Answer B is, in fact, the most commonly chosen wrong answer on this problem.

1. Did I know WHAT they were trying to test?

Questions: Was I able to categorize this question? Did I comprehend all the words, vocab, concepts, and answer choices? Do I know what I’m supposed to do for questions of this type?

I knew that this was an inference question because they use the word suggest. Inference questions require us to find an answer that is directly supported by specific evidence in the passage. The correct answer will be something that is not actually in the passage but nevertheless must be true based upon some evidence in the passage.

2. How well did I HANDLE what they were trying to test?

Questions: How was my approach? Did I have the skills to follow through? Did I make any careless mistakes? If so, WHY did I make each mistake? How could I have made an educated guess? Do I understand the traps built into the question, including wrong answers?

I got it wrong, so clearly I’ve got something to learn. : )  And I know why now. I assumed that the two types of language were one or the other “ you either use language from the center or language from the edge, but not both. The passage doesn’t actually say that, though. In fact, the last sentence of paragraph 3 says the opposite:

true power comes from a deep understanding of when to use which style and the ability to use both as necessary

Oops. Why did I miss that the first time? I’ve gotten into the habit of skimming the ends of paragraphs, but clearly there can be important info at the end. So I have to break that habit. But I still don’t want to read every single word carefully “ it’ll take me forever to read a passage. What should I do?

Ah, I see. I need to pay attention to high level type language, indicating that they’re giving me a big idea. The second-to-last sentence starts the main purpose That right there tells me that the sentence contains a big idea. The final sentence says McGinty argues that true power comes from Again, the language signals a big idea, so I should have paid attention to the rest of the sentence, not just skimmed it.

I crossed off answer C (the correct one) because I mistakenly thought that someone couldn’t use both types of language. That last sentence of paragraph 3, though, tells me that not only can people use both types, but that using both types is how we gain true power (according to McGinty). So, first, powerful people do use both types. Second, paragraph 3 explicitly says that we use language from the center to claim authority (be authoritative) and that language from the edge is inclusive.

We have all of the pieces of evidence we need to support correct answer C.

3. How well did I or could I RECOGNIZE what was going on?

Questions: Did I make a connection to previous experience? Can I make any connections now, while I’m analyzing the problem? HOW will I recognize similar problems in the future?

I did recognize that this was an inference question. My real problem was not reading the passage carefully enough. How am I going to do this better next time?

I’m going to practice picking up on big idea cues in the wording of a passage. First, I’ll re-read this passage and note down all of the big idea language. Then I’ll do the same with at least 2 or 3 other passages that I’ve done in the past.

Also, just to make sure I fully understand the question, how does my new knowledge affect my assessment of the other wrong answers? I already thought answer A was wrong simply because McGinty didn’t seem to pick one over the other, but now it’s even more obvious: if she thinks we need both, then it’s unlikely she thinks one is more effective than the other.

Answer D is a little more tempting now that I have read the passage properly “ but it seems to turn things on their side a little. McGinty says that you can develop power by using these two types of language, but she doesn’t say, Hey, anyone who does this will definitely develop power! That’d be too easy.

Finally, I eliminated E before simply because I thought B was stronger, but now I see why E is wrong: if people can successfully use both types of language, then at least some people who successfully build consensus, which is a characteristic of language from the edge, will also use language from the center. This one is like B: the passage actively goes against the idea in this answer choice.

And there you have it “ that’s how to analyze an RC inference problem. Note that I didn’t answer every single question on the lists of questions. You don’t need to do that (if you tried, you’d be studying each problem for half an hour!). Rather, pick and choose the particular questions that you need based on how things went for each problem.

You can also go through some questions more quickly. I knew that I correctly recognized the problem type, so I didn’t spend much time thinking about it. I messed up on reading the passage, however, and fell into a trap, so I spent a lot more time examining what the passage said and thinking about how to get better at reading passages in the future “ getting the big idea information while not reading every single word and taking too much time.

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