Take a Free Practice GRE Online


Manhattan GRE has developed 6 full-length GRE computer adaptive tests and is giving one away for free. Obviously, after massively augmenting your lexicon from its formerly pedestrian status to its currently redoubtable one, you will want to get a score on that thing.

After the practice test, you’ll see a results area that will not only give you a score (actually, a score for quant and a score for verbal, with percentiles), but also:

  • A rundown of all the problems you did
  • Your answer to each problem and the correct answer
  • Explanations for each problem
  • The difficulty level of each problem
  • The amount of time you spent on each problem
  • The cumulative time you spent over the course of the test versus the target cumulative time at various junctures during the test

If you take additional practice tests (you can also purchase access to all six exams here for $30, or get access to them by purchasing Manhattan GRE’s books or taking a class), you will be able to run assessment reports that will break down — among other useful statistics — what percent of problems you are getting correct or incorrect in specific areas such as Triangles, Exponents, Inference Questions in Reading Comp, etc.

Go here to take the free practice test.