The Math Beast Challenge Problem of the Week – Apr 15, 2013

Math BeastEach week, we post a new Challenge Problem for you to attempt. If you submit the correct answer, you will be entered into that week’s drawing for two free Manhattan Prep GRE Strategy Guides.

Owners of condominiums in a certain community share annual maintenance costs in proportion to their condominium’s share of the total square footage for all community condominiums at the end of the year. In 2011, when total annual maintenance costs were $104,000, the share of these costs for the owner of a 1,000 square foot condominium was $832.  In 2012, several new condominiums were added to the community, increasing total annual maintenance costs by $5,000 from the previous year and total development square footage by 3,600 square feet.

In 2012, what was the share of maintenance costs for the owner of the 1,000 square foot condominium?

See the answer choices and submit your pick over on our Challenge Problem page.