Visual Dictionary: Equivocate


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Jennifer walking on equator copy

To equivocate is to use unclear language to deceive or avoid committing to a position. Colloquially, we sometimes say that someone is “flip-flopping.”

Not wanting to lose supporters, the politician equivocated on the issue, tossing out buzzwords related to each side while also claiming more study was needed.

Related Words:

  • Ambivalent (uncertain; unable to decide, or wanting to do two contradictory things at once)
  • Vacillate and Waffle (waver, be indecisive)
  • Dither (act irresolutely)
  • Hedge (avoid commitment by leaving provisions for withdrawal or changing one’s mind; protect a bet by also betting on the other side)
  • Palter (talk insincerely; bargain or haggle)
  • Tergiversate (repeatedly change one’s opinions, equivocate)

Equivocate contains the roots “equi” and “voc” “ think of it as being equally vocal for two or more positions.

Photo of blog author balancing on the equator at Mitad del Mundo, Ecuador. Credit: Eric Walton.