5 First Date Ideas that Involve the LSAT


5 Date IdeasYears ago, I was at my mind-numbingly dull data entry job and taking my lunch break at my desk with the receptionist when I heard the strangest first date idea, ever.

“We went to Bikram yoga.”

I dropped my bag of pretzels—“lunch” on my salary. I had only just moved to New York but had lived there long enough to learn about Bikram. It was the really sweaty, hot yoga where people wore hardly any clothes, got bright red, and lost control of their bodily functions. I had even been to a class once, at the insistence of a friend. I hadn’t gone back, because I had been so thrilled to leave it alive, and because it cost twenty bucks per.

She went on a first date to Bikram?

“It was his idea. We both wanted to try it so we were like, sure, why not?”

Eventually, she tells me, she married him. She was talking about her husband.

That story came to mind recently and got me thinking. Why not integrate the LSAT into a first date in some creative way? If doing camel pose in 105 degrees can lead people to the altar, what else is possible?

Date Idea #1: Do a logic game together.

I know, I know. But talk about a moment of truth. Forget fake fake chatty chatty, “Oh I LOVE camping” (no, you don’t), “I would never treat a girl like that” (sure you wouldn’t)—you guys go for a full-on logic game showdown on your first date? That’s some authenticity, right there.

Also, how a person acts when he is outperformed can be very revealing.

Date Idea #2: Attend a free LSAT event.

There are so many reasons this makes a brilliant date that I don’t know where to start. Okay, I’ll settle on: afterward, you’ll be so happy to be out of there, you’ll both seem like the most charismatic people ever, post-event. You’re setting yourselves up to win with hardly any effort during drinks, afterward—all you have to do is be more interesting than four paragraphs about Canadian common law and a room of timid strangers.

Free LSAT event: the ultimate wingman.

Date Idea #3: Arrange to meet up after you take the LSAT.

Talk about lowered inhibitions.


Or, if on the contrary it didn’t go quite that well, what have you got to lose?

Either way, you are in a good state for a first date because seriously, the stakes are zero. This person may or may not be cool, but you’re just along for the ride, because you just took the LSAT. No matter what happens, you’re not going to sweat it. You have three weeks to kill.

If both of you took the LSAT? Well, I’ll just let you take that from here.

Date idea #4: Escape from the LSAT together.

Let me be clear. This is a bad idea for your future. However, I think anyone would agree that it is a fantastic idea for a date.

“We met when we were both taking the LSAT and made eye contact and were like, ‘let’s get out of here!’”

It doesn’t matter what comes next. You skipped to Coney Island, you sprinted to a pub, you had a Vegas wedding or wrecked a cab—who cares? You escaped the LSAT with somebody. That’s destiny.

Date idea #5: Sell your used LSAT books online.

This is going to be so cute.

You: I need to post these online but don’t know how.

Him/her: Oh, just put them on Amazon.

You: [coy expression]

Boom. Tutorial in close proximity on the couch, LSAT books get sold, heat gets made. Pay it forward.

Come back next week for my post on GRE-themed bachelor parties.