Announcing the Brand New LSAT Complete Course — Based on the Latest in Learning Science


Manhattan Prep LSAT Blog - Announcing the Brand New LSAT Complete Course, Based on the Latest in Learning Science by Matt ShinnersLearning science has come a long way in recent years, and we’ve been learning with it. We incorporate the latest discoveries in learning science into our LSAT course to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your prep. Want to see? Try the first session of any of our upcoming courses for free.

Over the past month and a half, we’ve spent a lot of time around here discussing learning science. If you missed our articles on Interleaving, Forgetting/Spaced Repetition, or Scaffolding, please check them out now!

While knowing about each of those concepts can be helpful with your prep, it’s definitely a lot to take in. It’s even more to process, and then even more to come up with a study plan based on all of that.

Luckily, you don’t have to!

Here at Manhattan Prep, we’re proud to announce our brand new LSAT Complete Course, which we built from the ground up to infuse our classes with all of the advice science has uncovered about the way our brains learn.

This new course is based on a “flipped” model – one in which you learn the basics of a concept before showing up for class. This removes the lecture portion from the class (which – let’s be honest –  was boring to teach and sit through, anyway) and instead allows you to tackle that at your own pace in between class sessions In preparation for class, you’ll work through our Interact program and Strategy Guides, which are comprehensive resources in and of themselves.

So, what goes on in the class then?

We’ve replaced the lectures with workshops. While other classes are based on an instructor presenting the material to you and then sending you off on your own to work on it at home, our instructors will present you with challenges and then provide guidance as you work towards solutions. Instead of leaving class only to find that you can’t solve a question, you’ll spend class time finding solutions with an expert there – not to tell you what to do but to redirect you when you go down the wrong path. This scaffolded approach to learning has been shown in studies to be the most effective means of mastering a new set of skills.

This wouldn’t be possible without our world-class instructors.

All of our instructors have 99th percentile LSAT scores and significant teaching experience. Moreover, we don’t hire people who are solely good at presenting information; we hire people who can flexibly serve as guides through tough material as the class runs into difficulty. No two classes are the same, so no scripted lesson can possibly do a good job of teaching this material.

We also limit our class size so that each session feels closer to tutoring, allowing our instructors to scaffold – or support – your learning. Instead of interacting with your instructor for a few seconds each class as they cycle through dozens of other students, expect to be called on multiple times, have several conversations both one-on-one and in groups, and have enough class time to get all your questions answered.

And while class time is productive, you’ll spend much more time prepping on your own. We’ve got you covered, with a syllabus that’s based on interleaved – or mixed – practice and repetition, leading to long-term retention of the problem-solving techniques you’ll need to destroy the test on game day.

It won’t be easy. But if you’re looking to push your score to the highest level — if you’re looking to think like an expert — we’ve got a class designed for you?

Matt Shinners Manhattan Prep LSAT InstructorMatt Shinners is a Manhattan Prep instructor based in New York City. After receiving a degree in Biochemistry from Boston College, Matt scored a 180 on his LSAT and enrolled in Harvard Law School. There’s nothing that makes him happier than seeing his students receive the scores they want to get into the schools of their choice. Check out Matt’s upcoming LSAT courses here!