Enter to Have a One-Month-Out LSAT Study Plan Delivered Especially for you on Facebook Live


Manhattan Prep LSAT Blog - One Month Out Sept. 2016 LSAT Study PlanningThe September 2016 LSAT (soon-to-be PrepTest 79) is fast approaching, and you’ll want to use your time wisely from here on out if you want to be prepared for the test. If you’ve been prepping for awhile, the one-month-out mark is an excellent time to assess your progress thus far and establish a game plan for the last 30 days before the test. If you haven’t started studying yet, then it’s officially crunch time.

Regardless of where you are in your practice, we’d love to help. On Wednesday, August 24 from 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. ET, one full month before the September 24 test, two of our 99th-percentile LSAT instructors will be broadcasting a study planning session live on the Manhattan Prep LSAT Facebook page, and they could deliver a custom study plan specifically for you. Seriously.

To enter for a chance to receive a customized study plan:

  • Login to or create an account for our student center.
  • Open the LSAT Navigatorprogram and input your answers for a recent prep test.*
  • Email us at contentteam@manhattanprep.com by 10 a.m. ET on Monday, August 22 with your account email address and the test number that you’d like us to review.

*If you haven’t taken any prep tests or aren’t sure which one to input, we suggest the most recent exam. If you need a practice test, you can use the June 2007 test that’s offered for free from LSAC. Regardless of which test you use, we will be able to review it.

We’ll be choosing several submissions to have custom study plans made and delivered live on air! Shy about having your LSAT business broadcast to the world? Don’t worry; we’ll call out your first name and last initial live or, if you would prefer to be referred to otherwise, you can let us know in your email. Don’t want to submit? No problem; you can still tune in live to get some great, applicable tips for your LSAT journey. Regardless of whether or not you choose to submit a test, you can submit any LSAT-related questions live on Facebook and have them answered in real time.

Meet the instructors.

Matt Shinners has a perfect LSAT score and a JD from Harvard Law School. Mary Richter has a near-perfect 175 LSAT and a JD from Harvard Law. Their greatest passions are helping their students succeed.

What are you waiting for?

RSVP here.

Learning science has come a long way in recent years, and we’ve been learning with it. We incorporate the latest discoveries in learning science into our LSAT course to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your prep. Want to see? Try the first session of any of our upcoming courses for free.