Friday Links: Law School Application Preparation, Myths About Lawyers, Law as a Career and More!


LSAT GlassesHappy Friday! Here’s our weekly roundup of articles about law school and the legal profession:

Six Big Myths About Lawyers (The Careerist)

Senior lecturing fellow at Duke Law School conducted interviews, surveys, and coaching engagements with over 1,000 lawyers and law students to debunk six popular myths about lawyers.

Is Lawyering the Right Path for You? (The Girl’s Guide To Law School)

This week, career expert Lainee Beigel spoke with The Girl’s Guide To Law School to offer some helpful career guidance to both current and prospective law students.

Ms. JD’s Pre-Law Prep Guide: Applying to Law School: What You’ll Need and How You Should Prepare (Part I) (Ms. JD)

Assistant Directors of Admission at Michigan State University College of Law and recent graduates of the Law College share advice on how to prepare for the law school application process.

Three Questions About Legal Education (Above the Law)

Above the Law discusses three critical questions about law school: “Are there too many law students, law schools, or both?,” “ Why is law school so expensive?,” and “Are law schools doing an adequate job of preparing students for their careers?”

Law Student Says it’s Time For Law Schools to be More Like Med Schools (Business Insider)

Third-year law student at University of Cincinnati College of Law says law schools need to start thinking like medical schools if they want to prepare students for the legal profession.


Don’t see your favorite article from the week? Let us know what you have been reading in the comments or tweet @ManhattanLSAT