Friday Links: Letters of Reference, Personal Statements, Law School Trends and More!


As we near the end of this week, we again hope that those affected by Hurricane Sandy are making a progressive recovery and that life is returning to as close to normal as possible. To help everyone ease back into the usual routine, we’ve complied our weekly list of law school and LSAT-related links:

Telling Your Story: Avoiding Oversimplification, Part 2 of 3 (jdMission)

As you’re filling out law school applications and writing your personal statements, take a moment to stop by jdMission for some tips for avoiding oversimplification of your essay.

Five Reasons Why Law School Might Still be a Good Idea (Business Insider)

Don’t let the negative buzz about attending law school get you down. Business Insider shares five great reasons for why you should pursue a JD.

Law Schools Discovering the Charms of City Life (The National Law Journal)

Relocating to downtown city areas seems to be an emerging trend among law schools. Check out which schools are moving just steps away from state and federal courthouses, law firm offices, government agencies, and major corporations.

What Makes a Good Letter of Reference for a Law School Application (Law School & Bar Exam Success Tips)

Harvard Law School grad offers some tips for how to select the proper person to write your law school letters of recommendation.

LSAT Prep Options: Manahattan LSAT (The Girl’s Guide to Law School)

Get to know Manhattan LSAT! Check out our interview with The Girl’s Guide to Law School for information on our classes and some tips for doing your best on the LSAT.