Friday Links: Long-Term LSAT Planning, Star Trek, Music To Study To, and More


Another Friday signals the near-end of yet another week of LSAT prep ahead of the October exam. Here are some of the stories that made the rounds among our LSAT crew this week:

The Short on Long-Term Planning: 10 LSAT Tips That Aren’t About the Actual LSAT (jdMission)*

star trek law*jdMission have a wide ranging list of LSAT planning tips and application strategies. You should get in the habit of checking back with them!

8 Ways That Judges Have Cited Star Trek From the Bench (io9)

Who knew that judges were such science fiction nerds? Our was #5.

Law School Admissions Tip #6: The Importance of Micro-editing (Law School Podcaster)

Law School Podcaster goes over some helpful editing tips for your admissions essay.

Conquer Back To School Season For Your First Year At Law School (LawRiot)

Four tips for students starting law school. Get the jump on your classmates!

A Work Soundtrack (gradhacker)

A round up of recommended music, playlists, podcasts, and radio stations to listen to while studying, and where to listen to them.