Friday Links: Summer Before 1L, States with Too Many Lawyers, and More!


GMAT NewsGood luck to all taking the June 2013 LSAT this coming Monday! Relax and mentally prepare your self this weekend and when you need a break, read up on some the latest law school news:

Law Schools with the Highest Median LSAT (U.S. News Education)

Check out U.S. News’ latest list of law schools with the highest median LSAT for full-time students

About Two-Thirds of Parents Want Their Kids to Be Lawyers (Above the Law)

According to a recent survey from that polled 1,001 people, 64 percent of parents still “hope their children will grow up to pursue legal careers.”

5 Things to Do the Summer Before 1L Year! (Ms. JD)

If you’re set to begin your first year of law school in the fall, you’re probably wondering the best way to pass time while waiting to start.

JD News: Which States Have Too Many Lawyers (JD Mission)

According to new research, location may be everything for recent or soon-to-be law school graduates.

Did we miss your favorite article from the week? Let us know what you have been reading in the comments or tweet @ManhattanLSAT