If At First You Don’t Succeed..Take the LSAT Again?!


Don't Get Left Out of the Admissions Equation

Remember the good old days of the SAT exam, when there was no such thing as taking the test too many times?  Didn’t do so hot the first time?  No worries, you could buy books, prep courses, private tutoring and acupuncture until you were where you needed to be score wise. In terms of the LSAT, though, students often ask: “Should I take the LSAT more than once?”

In the LSAT world, the policies of admissions offices are not nearly so cut and dry.  Some schools will indeed take your highest score, while others will take the average of all the LSATs you’ve sat for.  Other admissions offices we called claim to take a “Holistic” approach to reviewing your application (my guess is that this involves lots of yoga and meditation, but perhaps there is a different interpretation!).

Check out today’s post on JD Mission’s blog for a list of the top 15 schools and what their policies are.  JDMission is a law school admissions counseling firm that offers end to end admissions consulting services from a team of accomplished legal professionals and law school experts.