Introducing: LSAT Review Sessions


Perhaps the word “studyhall” brings up bad memories of detention for you – I will do my HW, I will do my HW, I will do my HW.

But cast aside your chalkdust torture nightmares, these Review Sessions are a different breed. All of our Fall LSAT classes (the ones aiming for the December LSAT) will now include 12 live online Review Sessions. Each session will be 2 hours of LSAT goodies  – one of our teachers will lead the class through an extra set of questions on topics taught in a recent class. As usual, we’ll expect you to work hard, ask questions, answer them, debate, laugh, cry, etc. It’s an extra touch, a bit more practice, another taste of that great meal we call LSAT prep.

Some of our students will no doubt be too busy to attend – there’s a lot of HW to do already, and life is life, but we’re excited to get to teach a bit more. If you’re looking for a fall LSAT class – now with 66 hours of instructional time in all – check out our upcoming schedule and jump in. We promise we won’t make you clean the erasers.