Manhattan LSAT Student Dispatch: Studying the LSAT Abroad


World, meet St. John.

St. John (yes, that is his real name!) is a Manhattan LSAT self study student who will be spending the next several months studying (cough cough) in the Netherlands. In addition to having the time of his life in Europe, St. John is preparing for the June LSAT, which he will be taking somewhere over there.

Lucky for us, St. John has agreed to share some of his adventures on our blog.  So without further ado, I give you the first installment of our ‘Student Dispatch’, by guest blogger St. John:

Away We Go

Hello World! My name is St.John (pronounced sin-gin), a junior at the University of Connecticut (pre-law honors, economics, philosophy, etc), and although I’m sure most of the readership of this blog is not interested in my resume, if you’d like a copy of my CV I’ll send it to you! The reason that I’m writing for the Manhattan LSAT blog is that over the next six months, I’m going to be studying in the Netherlands. I also plan on studying for (and taking) the June LSAT while I’m here, using the Manhattan LSAT curriculum to prepare. I will likely be taking my exam in Europe somewhere(there is not a testing center in the Netherlands!), and I look forward to sharing tales of my trials and tribulations along the way with you all.

St. John - Manhattan LSAT Student/Guest Blogger

I’m actually really looking forward to my studies; and to digging into LSAT prep. Call me a nerd, but I love logic, and after seeing a quick demonstration of some of the techniques that Manhattan prep uses for logic games, I’m bloody excited! Having philosophy as one of my two majors may have something to do with my love for the reasoning and games sections. I took a philosophy class last semester called ‘Symbolic Logic;’ If any undergrads reading this have the chance, I’d definitely recommend taking a logic class. I always believed that I thought clearly and concisely, but truly, taking a class in logic did amazing things for me!

So here I am, sitting in JFK airport, Terminal 4, Gate 22, waiting for Delta to tell me to board their plane. It’s going to be a long day! I’m leaving New York at 11pm on a Saturday night, and will arrive at Schiphol airport in Amsterdam at 12 noon on Sunday (local time).

I did my homework, and it will take me two trains and a bus to get me to my new home in Maastricht. I’ll arrive around 4 pm. Now I’m awful at math, but I’m thinking that the trip from here to Maastricht will take around 23 hours – almost a day until I’m able to relax again! It’ll be good if I can sleep on the plane, but I’m 6’3″ and I’m in the middle of a row, so we’ll see how that goes!

Still another hour and a half to wait, but at least I won’t be bored. I’ve got a computer with a full battery and an external hard drive full of movies, my trusty nook, and the best solitaire board game in the history of the world, ‘Stormy Seas’. But on the flip side, I have all of these things making it easier for me to avoid sleeping!

In any event, I look forward to writing more, and I hope my story proves to be interesting. If any readers have any questions, feel free to leave comments! -St. John