My LSAT Memoirs in Six (Times Nine) Words


hemingwayHeard of the six-word story? It’s a Thing now, thanks to ol’ Hemingway and his classic, six-word tale, “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” There’s even a sub-genre of the six-word story–the six-word memoir. When you finish those (and you should–they’re fascinating), buy the other book of them.

Three of my favorites:

It’s pretty high. You go first.

Wasn’t noticed so I painted trains.

It was worth it, I think.

You may recall the LSAT haiku I birthed into the world on this very blog last year at this time. Today, I share my own six-word LSAT memoirs, all  based on my real test-day experience.

Nine Six-word LSAT Memoirs By Me

Bike, watch, map. Pencils in baggie.

Ma’am this map is not allowed.

Hide prohibited bike map in bush.

Anxious neighbor claims I stole pencils.

I did not steal anyone’s pencils.

Anxious neighbor finds pencils in pocket.

Experimental’s logic games! God does exist!

Having to pee’s in the mind.

Five sections. One essay. Two margaritas!


What’s yours?