October 2011 LSAT Score Release Date


In the increasingly fast paced, digitized, need-it-yesterday world we live in, there are few beacons of  “the old school” that stand out as welcome reminders of a more relaxed by gone era. The LSAT, with its pencil and paper format, is one of these ‘throwbacks’. 

Waiting Room

In my humblest of opinions, throwbacks are not necessarily a bad thing! I can think of several examples of this: the hand written thank you note, the sky hook, rec specs, Warren Buffet, the Pythagorean Theorem – I think you get the point. When it comes to the LSAT, aren’t you somewhat appreciative of the fact that the test is in the same format as most of the tests you’ve taken since elementary school? Other grad school hopefuls must take entrance exams which require them to submit their answers in to a computer that actually determines the next question on the exam based on their last response. I’ve heard horror stories of students accidentally kicking the power chord of their machine out in the middle of the exam – the horror!

The downside to the old school nature of the LSAT, however, is that you’re forced to wait up to 25 days for your results. This is an eternity when you take in to consideration the importance of the exam and the months that went in to preparing for it. You couldn’t have predicted that after tussling with so many logic games and dense reading comprehension passages to prepare for the exam, all you needed to do was ask Tom Petty (speaking of throwbacks!)  what the hardest part of the exam was??

Trying to predict the score release date of October LSATs has been a fairly easy exercise over the last several years.  Historical data shows that in each of the last 7 years, October LSAT scores were released exactly three days before the planned LSAC release date – which for this past is Wednesday, October 26th.

The trouble is that for the last seven years, the scheduled release date was on a Monday, meaning the Friday before was your safest bet.  What to make of this year’s Wednesday release date? Not much.  I would anticipate that like the June 2011 LSAT, which also had a Wednesday release date, scores will be released on the Monday before, if not sooner.  One thing you can bet on is that they will NOT be released over the weekend, so we’re realistically looking at Friday, October 21st (tomorrow!!) or Monday, October 24th. Take it on faith, take it to the heart – the waiting really is the hardest part of the LSAT!

What have you been doing to pass the time?  Preparing your applications? Occupying Wall Street? We’d love to hear from you.