October 2013 LSAT Scores are In!


As usual, LSAC  released the October LSAT scores a couple of days before schedule and test-takers are currently receiving the news via Email. TheScreen Shot 2013-10-28 at 6.20.31 PM official curve out of 101 questions was -12 for a 170, -19 for a 165, -28 for a 160, and -46 for a 150. If all of your hard work paid off, congratulations! It’s now time to seriously direct your focus to those law school applications.

If things didn’t go as you were hoping they would, don’t freak out–we’re here for you. Start by taking a few deep breaths and have a look through our Retake Manifesto to decide whether it is worth your efforts to reregister for the exam. If you decide that a retake is your best option, be aware of some of the upcoming dates and deadlines pertaining to the December  2013 LSAT.

For anyone who knows they still have a little more LSAT work to do, you’re invited to sit in on a free Manhattan LSAT online trial class tomorrow night, October 29th at 8:00PM (EDT). You’ll be able to experience one of our 99th percentile teachers in action, learn techniques for solving numbered ordering logic game problems, and receive full-course discounts. If you can’t make it tomorrow, we have another free online LSAT event coming up on November 13th.

Kudos to everyone for making it this far and if you’re still waiting for your score, may the LSAT odds be ever in your favor.