Study By Yourself, With Us


Online study groups were much less effective before the Internet was invented.

A national epidemic occurs every summer. Perfectly well-adjusted and social people become hermitically-sealed misfits as they prepare for the LSAT. Do you know someone who is suffering from this? Symptoms include, but are not limited to loss of friends, demise of love life, lowering of standards of hygiene, mis-categorization of sharpening fifteen #2 pencils as “a fun night.”

If you have a–cough, cough–friend, who is suffering from sololsatlifeitis, we can help. Have your friend join us every Tuesday night (6-8pm ET) for our online self-study group. There you’ll find like-minded geeks who are restoring their link to the human race while inching towards a 170+ score.

If you’d like to join, here are the rules:

1) You have to be using Manhattan LSAT books (we have other groups that are more free-spirited, but this group is trying to avoid wasting time navigating through multiple approaches)

2) Do the assigned HW and be prepared to discuss it.

3) Show up. One of our teachers generally will do so as well to help.

4) Do NOT talk about fight club. [Editors Note: Shouldn’t this be Rule #1?]

If you–I mean your friend–wants to join, create an account on our site if that hasn’t already occurred, e-mail and get ready to rumble. (Yes, it’s free.)

Please join us as we work to end the suffering of tens of thousands of young American LSAT-geeks.