Telling Your Story: Include Emotional Thinking


Manhattan Prep LSAT Blog - Telling Your Story: Include Emotional Thinking by jdMission

A personal statement is really no more than telling a story—one that illuminates the “you” a law school would be lucky to have in its student body. In this series, “Telling Your Story,” a jdMission Senior Consultant will discuss how elements of storytelling can—and should—be applied to your personal statement.

Remember in elementary school when you would return to school in the fall, and your teacher asked you to write about your summer break? Your essay would read something like this:

First we went to see my grandma. Then we swam. After that, we came home, and I had to help my dad clean out the garage. Then I…

It was a series of factual statements about what happened. It was all action, no reflection. Unless you were a remarkably precocious third grader, your essays probably did not dwell on how it felt to spend time with your grandma, what swimming means to you or how frustrating taking orders from your dad can be.

This is why your personal statement should not be like your third grade, What-I-Did-This-Summer essays. Emotional thinking—putting into words your emotional reactions to events—is critical in a personal statement. It gives meaning to the events you are describing and tells the reader why you are sharing certain events in the first place.

Read through your essay. If you find a paragraph that is all plot with no emotional thinking—no reflection—this is a good sign you should insert some. ?

For even more insight on your law school personal statements, check out our free Personal Statement Guide.

jdMission is a leading law school admissions consulting firm with a team of dedicated consultants who have not only been through the law school application process themselves, but also possess elite communications skills and can help you navigate this crucial—and often perplexing—process. Your consultant will serve as your coach and partner every step of the way, advising you on school selection, helping you brainstorm personal statement topics, editing your essays and resume, helping you manage your recommenders, advising on any addenda, and more! .