Learn GRE® Math in a Day (or two)


Manhattan Prep GRE Blog - Learn GRE Math in a Day by Manhattan Prep

Need to crush the GRE to get into your dream grad program, but haven’t taken a math class since high school? Is algebra a foreign language to you? Does the mere thought of doing math trigger deep-seated trauma? Or maybe you’re not allergic to math, but your skills are rusty and you could use a thorough refresher. Perhaps you’re actually quite confident in your math abilities, but you want expert instruction to reach the highest level as quickly as possible.

We developed our Foundations of GRE Math workshop for anyone who wants to gain all the fundamentals of GRE math content and strategy as efficiently as possible—just one day, to be exact.

Yes, it’ll be long. Yes, you’ll need to bring a snack. Along with six hours of expert instruction, you’ll also get our 5 lb. Book of GRE Practice Problems, the Official Guide to the GRE, and 6 online GRE practice tests! And not only will you learn the fundamentals of everything covered on GRE Math, you’ll also get…the AfterMath™.

That’s right, after flying through all those fundamental lessons, you’ll leave the course with an abundance of AfterMath materials and a guided syllabus to help you figure out what you still need to work on most.

This may very well be the most productive day of your life; it’s just math. 

Don’t remember how to add fractions? Sign up for one of our upcoming Foundations of GRE Math crash courses now.