Friday Links: Law School Tips for Success, Prepping for 1L, & More!


iStock_000016525011XSmallHappy Friday! Here’s a roundup of some of our favorite law school tips and news articles from the week:

What Would a More Relevant Law School Ranking Look Like? You Told Us (Above the Law)

In light of U.S. News’s revisions to its rankings methodology, Above the Law asked their readers what a more improved and relevant approach to law school rankings would look like.

Who Should be the “Core” Faculty in the 21st Century Law School? (Legal Skills Prof Blog)

Professor Deborah J. Merrit provides her reasons for why the current writing and clinical professors should form the core of a law school faculty.

Law School Tips for Success (U.S. News Education)

Thinking of attending law school in the future? U.S. News has some advice and suggestions to help you decide if law school is the right path for you.

Let Law Students ‘Vote With Their Feet,’ Northwestern’s Dean Says (ABA Journal)

Northwestern Law School Dean Daniel Rodriguez shares his ideas on New York’s proposal to allow students to take the bar exam after only two years of law school.

Ms. JD’s Pre-Law Prep Guide: How to Prepare For Your First Year of Law School (Ms. JD)

Assistant Directors of Admission at Michigan State University College of Law and recent graduates of the Law College offer some helpful advice to incoming law students.

Did we miss your favorite article from the week? Let us know what you have been reading in the comments or tweet @ManhattanLSAT