This Applies to You: Life of the Law


This Applies to You: Life of the Law

This week, I’m shamelessly plugging the blog I run when I’m not pondering logic games, The Life of the Law, because we’ve published some great articles recently that I think might interest you:

LOTL logo 1. In Reflections of a Law School Beauty Queen, Yale Law 1L Sopen Shah, talks about how being in pageants prepared her for law school. Don’t worry–I’m not suggesting you all become beauty queens, too (though you’re all beautiful to me). But the essay covers some of the challenges of being a first-year law student and offers an interesting perspective on how it’s is similar to America’s oldest reality series, pageantry.

2. You know those US News & World Report rankings that we’re all obsessed with? Law School Transparency is changing all that. I talked with one of the founders, Kyle McEntee, about how legal education is likely to change in the near (and far) future.

3. My good friend and Manhattan LSAT teacher Gilad Edelman, also a first-year law student, writes about states’ rights and everyone’s favorite, er, topic, marijuana. Gilad makes the fascinating point that when we talk about states’ rights, we tend to really talk about whatever it is we’re talking about. Make sense? He puts it better.

Life of the Law is always looking for new contributors and guest authors, so if you have a story to share about living under the law, get in touch!