While you are waiting for your Dec 2011 LSAT Scores


I thought I would pass on some words of encouragement and an interesting article I came across on the web today.  First, the encouragement:

If you took the December LSAT and are feeling pretty good about the way the test “felt” a few Saturday’s ago, congratulations! Be sure to come by our free Review the LSAT Workshop happening on January 10th.

You’ve made it this far and you ought to be commended – it’s a long and often stressful road to law school! Hopefully now you are seeing the proverbial ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ right in front of you. You’re almost there!

Law Enforcement: Putting the 'Prudence' in Jurisprudence

Speaking of roads to law school, I came across this excellent article in The Harvard Crimson this weekend. This particular article speaks to how nontraditional some paths to law school can be, and uses the example of three Harvard Law students who were police officers before deciding to go back to school.