London Business School Answers: “Why Get an MBA Abroad?”


Manhattan Prep GMAT Blog - London Business School Answers:

London Business School will be hosting MBA information sessions with Manhattan Prep across different locations in the US during the upcoming months. We look forward to connecting with prospective students to answer any questions you have about pursuing your MBA outside of the US. As you start your research, you may be asking yourself how an MBA abroad is different from a domestic MBA. The information below should offer introductory insight into the unique benefits of London Business School as a global MBA programme. We look forward to continuing this conversation when we meet!

This article was written by Stephanie Thrane, London Business School’s Senior Manager of MBA Recruitment and Admissions.

One of the first things MBA candidates should ask themselves when considering business school in general is: “Where am I now? Where and who do I want to be? And what do I need to get there?”

These questions are, of course, very personal, and different students will have different answers, but a common answer I get from North American candidates who are interested in an MBA abroad is that they are looking for a rich cultural experience that will give them the confidence and skills to manage and lead people globally and across different cultures. In my conversations with them, students and alumni of London Business School have consistently pointed to this as the most valuable aspect of the LBS experience.

How does a London Business School MBA give students the confidence and ability to work with anyone, anywhere? One answer is the immense international diversity within the programme. As compared to some of the top business schools in the US, London Business School has more than 90% international students and more than 65 different nationalities per class. In US programmes, students will generally find that around 30% of the class is from outside the US. This international diversity contributes to a more global MBA experience for LBS students.

Without having been a student, it is difficult to fully comprehend the global experience that London Business School offers, but rest assured, it will be different than anything you’ve experienced before. Every single day, you will be working with people from different backgrounds and countries all around the world. Not only will you gain a broad awareness of and appreciation for global markets, but you will also mitigate biases (conscious or not) and develop the ability to connect dots politically, economically and culturally. Narrow perspectives simply do not exist at London Business School. Global perspectives and awareness are personally important but also crucial professionally as you propel your global career in an increasingly-connected world.

Global Opportunities at London Business School

MBA exchange programmes: London Business School has one of the world’s largest MBA exchange programmes, with more than 30 different partner business schools around the world. The exchange programme is flexible; students can study from anywhere between 2 weeks to a full term at another institution. Attending an international exchange provides students with further opportunities either back home in the US or somewhere new and exciting. Not only are students immersed in a new network, country, and culture, but they are also able to explore career opportunities outside of London. Over the years, I have seen many students use their exchange at another school to access career services resources, explore businesses regionally, link up with the welcoming and powerful LBS alumni network locally, and create expanding opportunities for themselves.

Global Business Experience (GBE): The MBA programme’s core course, the Global Business Experience (GBE) further provides students with the chance to experience and explore another region in the world by working closely with organisations, thought-leaders, alumni, faculty, and fellow students in one of seven locations. The Global Business Experience takes place in the second year of the MBA, giving students the opportunity to apply their learning directly to the organisations and people they will be working with during their GBE. Our current GBE portfolio takes our students to either South Africa, India, Myanmar, Hong Kong, the US, Israel, or Peru.

The process of considering an MBA should involve a lot of research around your future career goals. Given our location in London, it is perhaps no surprise that the majority of our initial post-MBA roles are based out of London. London is a fantastic city to live, study, and work in. It cherishes its diversity and represents a broad range of sectors and startup ventures, making it possible for almost 50% of our students to secure their first post-MBA job in our capital. However, the other 50% of our students use their MBA to propel their career outside of London. We have students accepting jobs all over the world, which is made possible by our fantastic employer connections globally, the alumni network, and self-made opportunities. I would strongly encourage anyone considering an MBA to look at the employment reports of different programs to ensure that overall employability, sector opportunities, salaries, and job locations are in line with student expectations.  

I hope that the above has given you a sense of the global experience at London Business School and the opportunities that come along with it. Remember that the MBA experience never stops; you will gain a truly global network that extends beyond the classroom experience and lasts a lifetime.

Learn more about the London Business School MBA experience at one of LBS and Manhattan Prep’s upcoming drop-in sessions:
