MBA Curriculums Get Creative


MBA programs are getting creative with their classes these days. Two recent trend pieces highlight schools’ new offerings that aren’t exactly traditional courses like accounting or stats.

First, the Financial Times spotlights the growing number of b-school classes on practicing philanthropy, which aim to teach future titans of industry how to give wisely. They teach how to measure the impact of one’s donation and smart practices like site visits to non-profits. At some point in their lives, most of these students will either be a corporate donor or an individual donor and my class teaches them how to do philanthropy effectively, says Boston University School of Management professor Kristen McCormack. Most general MBAs that I’ve taught marvel that there is this world out there that they never thought existed, and they are surprised by how hard it is to give away money.

Meanwhile, other b-schools are attempting to teach the ineffable skills of leadership. And according to US News and World Report, they’re adopting some creative strategies. UVA’s Darden School of Business is using the performing arts to train future managers, with a course called “Leadership and Theatre: Ethics, Innovations and Creativity.” Instructor Ed Freeman explains actors have to know themselves before they can persuade anyone to believe in their characters. “I think being authentic, knowing who you are and working on trying to be more in touch with your emotions, that’s what leadership’s about,” he says.

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